Some People Are Not Trying Not To Get It

















To be honest, none of that matters (although all of it should.) In the end, what we need to understand is that this country, no matter how great you perceive it to be, is that racism still exists from white people to black people, and will persist until white people decide to change it.

That, my friends, is a factual statement.

Before you come in the comments and try to debate me, read what I’m saying.

We live in a country where the first rules stated that people of color were not “whole” people, but each person was 3/5 of a person, we have been marginalized from the start. Stripped from our homes in Africa, and brought over seas, we have endured unimaginable treatment at the hands of white people in America, and abroad. And I’m done allowing people to say whatever they want to us, and about us without being corrected. I’m been crusading on social media the past week, and engaging ANYONE who decides to stand on the wrong side of this.

For example, in response to someone who attempted to call out the looting that has been taking place:


“We sure as hell can't talk to anyone about unarmed black men being killed in cold blood by law enforcement, and the law enforcement officer getting off without being charged because black lives clearly don't matter, because you want to discredit someone like Kaepernick, who was kneeling to bring light to this very issue. See? You want to call us everything, but couldn't even acknowledge that there was a football player bringing issues of the black community to the attention of everyone through a respectful, peaceful protest that you don't think he should have been doing because he's "rich." So yes, maybe a TV or some sneakers might make them feel better, because silently protesting doesn't work, marching doesn't work, kneeling during the National Anthem damn sure doesn't work, and trying to talk to white people about the systemic oppression and racism that they ingrained into the fabric of society, and use to do everything wrong to us, including kill us, damn sure doesn't work. You want us to stop, then shut the F**k up and listen with the intent of breaking down these systems that hurt and kill black people without regard.”

Or in this example, where this person is trying to tell me that white people get killed as much, or even more than we do:


@johnmark muthemba Do you think that if that was a white man, they would have used such force?  

Mind you, Dylan Roof asked for food, after he had killed multiple people, and law enforcement took him to get something to eat.

In the video, there was NO evidence of this man resisting arrest or doing anything that would have caused three different police officers to have to restrain him, and have another law enforcement officer standing watch, and yet, they decided to use a technique that even the military does not use (I would know, I am an Intelligence veteran), for eight minutes, and over two minutes after he was unresponsive.   Now, you're saying that it isn't about race, but how do you explain that? And you guys need to stop using the "left" because there are plenty of "right" leaning people who agree that this was intentional, so what do you say about the people who agree with you on who to vote for, but believe that this was racial in nature?

HIS RESPONSE: Johnmark muthemba

@Phillip Barnes I don't like this Honestly I so tired of us looking at literally every instance a cop kills a person who coincidentally black is because he or she is racist , u say my number are" fabricated " just because u wanna dismiss them there are multiple instance of white people getting wrongfully killed by cops and nothing happening like the death of Margarita Victoria Brooks but you know what's even more misleading about the people you mentioned was not the fact that not only did many of the killing have a different motive to fire other than race but one of them wasn't even a cop . It gets to the point where y'all just ignoring facts that the media doesn't give you , u yourself look at manipulated data and say wait what about this. When u say black people are getting killed the same amount as white people even tho there 13% of the population yet u seem to ignore that maybe it because black people are commiting more murders than whites despite been 13% . Like do u see what I'm trying to say I'm tired that all only talk about black lives matter when a cop kills a black dude but when a black guy is killed in your communities almost every other day it's normalized no one goes out to protest 🤦🏾‍♂️ this whole thing is just a continuous loop y'all burned Baltimore and nothing happened maybe it because cops aren't been racist u ever consider that maybe there just more afraid of a group because it showing more violence not only to them but there own people. Y'all don't wanna fix the actual problem u just don't want to not look at it .”


“First and foremost, you don't get to be tired of looking at anything with an inquisitive eye, because just liked you're tired of doing whatever you're tired of doing, I'm tired of walking out of my house wondering if a chance police encounter is going to end with a murder that there will be no consequences for. I'm tired of driving with my wallet in plain view from either window, so that police won't think I'm reaching for a weapon due to me being black. I'm tired of having to prove to people who see my fitted hats, longline tees, ripped jeans, Jordans, chains, and earrings that I am not a drug dealing thug that doesn't have a job or an education, but that I am a veteran who served this country as an Operations Intelligence Specialist, am currently in college for my Bachelors in Psychology , working towards my Masters and eventually my Doctorates, and a spiritual person to the core who has NEVER been in trouble with the law, never been in handcuffs, and has never been in the back of a police car. Hell, I don't even smoke weed, and I have to prove to people that I don't do that. But do you know what happens if I get tired enough to not do those thing is Just named on a daily basis? I could die. I could be shot, I could be harassed, I could be hurt. Because they don't know those things about me when they see me, they make assumptions about who I am based off what I look like, and what society has painted me as. And if I don't have the luxury of getting tired of proving to people that I'm not deserving of any title, then you don't get to get tired either.  

The story of Margarita Victoria Brooks is reprehensible, and I hope that that police officer got more than just a simple resignation and got to go on with his life, but there is something clear that you are either neglecting on purpose, or are ignorant to the fact. In the video of George Floyd, show me any instance of aggression towards the police. Watch the Philando Castile video, and tell me where you see the aggression. Same with Eric Gartner, Tamir Rice, and Ahmaud Arbrey. While she did not deserve to be shot, the police officer was not aiming for her, but instead her dog, and they STILL RULED IT A HOMICIDE, NOT MANSLAUGHTER because they killed a white woman. George Floyd was slowly, methodically killed by a knee on his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, 3 minutes after he stopped moving, two minutes after he stopped breathing, and did not even move his knee after another officer checked George's pulse and said he couldn't find one.  

Now you tell me, does that sound like he meant to do it or not?

And as far as the numbers, what we're talking about is UNARMED people being killed by police, and you can't deny the facts reported by multiple outlets. The people killed by law enforcement were unarmed, and were not hostile, and the numbers show that, whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with any crime that black people commit more than white people, not even murder, like you tried to say. And what happens in our communities aren't much different than what happens in anyone else's communities, and if you have never been in any of our communities, you don't know what goes on in the black community. You don't know if we march, holds vigils, or riot, but you assume that they do not happen.   But the bigger question is, what does that have to do with law enforcement officers killing unarmed black men? These people have voluntarily taken oaths and sworn duties to protect society, and yet, they are actively killing people of color at an alarming rate, and getting away with it. You trying to make them similar shows that you are unaware of your own bias, because you don't even understand that there is a difference between a civilian killing another civilian, and a police officer killing a civilian. This man meant to do what he did, and did it, and if the man was white, this would not have happened, end of story.”

I’m doing my part to get people to understand our plight in this society through social media and my website, because I feel as though it’s my responsibility to do so.

Are you?


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