Police are Still Harassing Black People


In case y’all didn’t know, or because you might feel that the news coverage of black people being mistreated by the police has died down due to a decrease in occurrences, this type of stuff is still going on, and we still need to be aware of it.

Exhibit A:

Body-worn camera footage released by the Barstow Police Department (recorded: 01/26/15) reveals the unlawful arrest of Charlena Michelle Cooks, who at the ti...

There’s a lot wrong with this video, plain and simple. Instead of telling you everything, I’ll leave it up to you to find everything. Comment down at the bottom on everything that you see wrong with this video without clicking the link, then check the link to see if you got it all. Here’s the link to the full page:

You Don't Have to Show ID in California

Exhibit B:

While I don’t like the video thumbnail, watch the video and see if you can pinpoint the wrongdoing that precede such irrational and violent treatment. This stuff doesn’t end, and hasn’t ended just because Fox and CNN have stopped reporting on it.

It is our obligation to know our rights, and exercise them whenever necessary, including when law enforcement tries to strong-arm you into believing that you have to give up your rights in response to there authority. You do not, and should not allow ANYONE, not even the police to violate your rights, no matter what is going on. Stand firm on what you know is right, research your rights often, especially when you’re going to going somewhere that is far from home, be away from home for an extended time, or going to large settings. Without the knowledge of our rights, we can be coerced into doing things that may violate our rights.

Comment below on how the video made you feel, what you would have done differently, and what we should do as a people in response to this stuff still going on.


Trump’s Fake News


PSA: Coronavirus