How Far Should “Riding” for Someone Go?


Riding for someone is a loyalty thing. It lets people know that you love them, care for them, and support them no matter what they have going on. It is common for people to just blindly like things their friends and family post, just because they’re friends and family, and vocalize their support for people going through tough times, as it is an expectation from those who are going through the hardship.

But, that should organically bring the question to the forefront of minds: How far do you go before you shouldn’t “ride” for someone anymore?


Whelp, that depends on a few things (more than a few, but I don’t have the energy to write all of it out.)

What I will say is this, people need to start riding for the right things, and stop blindly riding for people, just because you know them, admire them, or are related to them. People often say things like “Free _____,” but seem to conveniently, or purposely, forget that oftentimes, that person did something that landed them in jail. Not saying that the justice system is fair, but there are people going to jail for things that normal people would want someone in jail for. These fools be out here shooting people, stabbing people, and sexually harassing people, and y’all screaming free them. Selling and stashing weed, knowing that it’s illegal (even though it shouldn’t be), stashing guns and other drugs and everything, but y’all wanna say free them, and that they don’t deserve to be there. Yes, actually, they do. I don’t care who they are, I care about what they did, and even if they had solid reasons for doing what they were doing when they go knocked, if you go down, do the time, and come back reformed and focused on what you need to do. I can understand why people do what they do, and I am not saying that their actions are justified, because they might be, but they do have to remember to abide by the law, or do themselves a favor not not get caught. But freeing them would teach them nothing about consequences and responsibilities, and both are necessary, even for adults.



Relationships are different, however.

Riding still should be done when the person is in the wrong, but there can be more leeway, but only if the afflicted party chooses to do so. It doesn’t make them strong or brave, and we often do them a disservice by commending them for staying. It was a choice they made, based on the person they were with, that they decided to stay and continue to work on their relationship with that person. If they stay, fine. If they leave, fine. IN terms of riding for someone who has potentially done something that you don’t agree with, you ALWAYS do that privately, NEVER publicly, because the loyalty should never be tested. Take their side in public disputes and arguments, but always reconvene later on, and tell them the error of their ways in private, so that you have a clear understanding of what is right, and what you agree with, and what you don’t. If you disagree, then you have the option to attack that disagreement privately, instead of seeming disloyal by arguing with your spouse publicly. That’s true riding.

Riding is NOT taking unnecessary nonsense from someone, allowing them to abuse you for the sake of “love,” or the kids, nor is it taking the side of someone wrong, no matter how much you love them.

Ride for the right in people, not just for the right people.


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