Sooooo.......... What's this about?


So, before I actually say what this entire website is about, and why the hell I’m doing this in the first place (which is a LOOOOOOOONG story, but I’mma summarize it as best I can), let me explain a point of possible contention: the name of this blog/website.

AHEEEMMMMMM.. (Steps up onto soapbox)



Naw, I’m certainly not the type of person to be sitting up here lecturing, and that isn’t what this blog is about. I don’t think I’m better than anybody, smarter than anyone, nor do I believe that me calling myself “King” says any of that about me. The first word, “Articulation,” is important because it implies that I am going to be thinking deep about anything that I post here. You won’t just get a gut reaction from me about anything that I decide to write. You’re going to see that I have been in deep thought about these things, have probably done some type of research about said topics (that’s kinda my thing, looking up facts about whatever I’m interested in, so that I can have a complete understanding about it, whether I’ve formed an opinion about it or not), and you’re going to get an informed opinion about whatever the topic is, based on the facts that I’ve found, and my experiences and conversations. That’s how I’m going to make sure that I’m accountable to y’all, by making sure that my content is thoughtful, well written, and engaging. I don’t want to do anything, nor discuss anything that people will not have a conversation about afterwards. If I did, then what is the point of making this in the first place. I invite people to disagree with me, and I expect feedback, good, bad , and indifferent. All of the interaction is what’s important to me.

The “King” aspect is equally important to me, though, probably more so than anyone understanding the Articulation aspect of it. Point is, I want to set a new precedent. Black men are Kings. I’m tired of us being looked at certain ways, and judged based on what society/our own actions set us up to be looked upon as. We were put on this Earth to be amazing things, and I’m not just speaking about being great with balls (Pause.) I could have said something a little less abrasive to some, but who really thinks that this is a bad name? Those who it bothers because they see a black man labeling himself as a king. Only hit dogs holler. I’m a damn king, so is my brother and brothers around the world. I’ve always looked at my mom as a queen, same as my beautiful woman and her mother, and my sister, and I view all of our black women the same way, no matter what they’re currently doing with themselves. We have all at one point or another lost our crowns attempting to traverse the harsh conditions that life and modern society have thrown at us. That doesn’t mean we should act as if we never had crowns in the first place, and I am doing what I can to start us down the path to regaining our own self-confidence and respect, hence the name “Articulation of a King.” Sometimes, you have to be the one taking the bullets, in an attempt to give others hope. SO, start calling yourselves kings and queens instead of niggas and bitches, and let’s set a new trend.

Now, the reason this blog exists, the true reason, is because I need an outlet. I have a lot of thoughts and opinions, and I do my best not to firehose Cici with them daily. So instead of bombarding her with all of these introspective thoughts that I have throughout the day, I figured that I would bombard y’all with them instead. I want to have deep conversations with the world, and I figured this was a good place to start trying to make that happen. I hope that what I speak about invokes deep levels of conversation, and makes people want to learn, explore, and understand the facets of the world that they may not know as well as they would want to. Here are a couple of things to remember:

I’m going to be bluntly honest (as any of my friends can tell you), and I don’t have a problem with people challenging my opinions, as long as the challenges are not disrespectful.

I encourage discussion and feedback. Unlike a lot of people who just want their opinion to stand on its own without potential pushback, I welcome conversations and debates about what I am saying, as it helps both anyone who comes into contact with the material learn about perspectives, and the dialogue between people with the same, or dissimilar, viewpoints.

If you are going to debate me, or anything that you see anywhere on this website, PLEASE, PLEASE, do your research and come with facts, not just opinions. Of course, the knee jerk reaction is to come with your initial opinion, but after that, let’s commit to improving our intelligence capacity by engaging in a spirited debate that has facts as the bottom line. There’s not much worse than talking to someone about something, they’re madd passionate about it, but you KNOW that they’re wrong because you spent 15 seconds looking it up while they were talking about it, you go to correct them, and they assure you that you’re wrong.

All in all, I expect this to be a very deep, thought-provoking and humbling journey, but most of all……


I really expect to engage with those who want to have a more in depth, invigorating social experience, instead of running to Facebook and Instagram, where people’s opinions are largely squashed if they do not conform with the masses. I look forward to the conversation, and what wisdom comes from it!


What is something that you have been wanting to start, that you haven’t yet, and what is stopping you from doing so??


The N Word