What is this website? Why stay and browse?
This website is about expression and opinion regarding a plethora of topics. You’re getting honest opinion about real topics that affect everyday lives from the perspective of a young educated black man from the projects!
KING’S SPEECH is societal topics, controversial and otherwise.
REALM OF ATHLETICS is sports topics that deserve attention.
KING’S COURT is my Youtube Forum that I created with my close friends and family.
BLACK BY UNPOPULAR OPINION is the Podcast created by myself and my BEAUTIFUL Fiancé, Cici.
ARTICLES OF MUSIC sends you to musical topics, including my curated playlists.
SNEAK ATTACK is all about my kicks and love for shoes.
CONTACT me here, at the top in the navigation bar, or the link at the bottom of the page with anything. I respond to everything within 24-48 hours.
Come, Browse, Stay, Comment, and most of all, ENJOY!
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